Modern supply chains must not shackle our cities, but rather must make them flow. To achieve this, we develop concepts that combine inner-city infrastructures with strategic logistics ideas in the surrounding area.
The challenge
Logistics chains should no longer be measured in individual routes, but rather as a future path.
The vision for the future of urban living lies in redesigning logistics chains. And not as a series of locations, but as a well thought-out network that combines and enriches business requirements with the diverse aspects of urban life. Processes must be examined, as must the needs of people and aspects of sustainable urban development. We have devised an end-to-end future path for integrated supply chains.
Our conceptual thinking
Standardized properties that fit the entire supply chain
Four Parx's portfolio includes a broad spectrum of specific real estate products, ranging from multi-story urban commercial properties to large logistics parks at convenient highway locations. These models are tailored to a variety of industries and requirements, including logistics, urban distribution, pharmaceutical real estate, commercial and services, wholesale and retail, e-commerce and light industrial, covering the entire supply chain.
Our products
"Flowing concepts instead of rigid locations. Anyone thinking about the supply chains of the future must design the entire supply chain to be adaptive and versatile."

Any questions or concerns?
We're happy to help any time, with pleasure!
Jochen Gerber is looking forward to hearing from you.